
Thoughts become Things!

Do you have a ritual?

Published 9 months ago • 3 min read

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Why do you and I need a ritual?

Following a ritual daily means engaging in a specific set of actions or activities regularly, typically at the same time or in a particular sequence. These rituals can be personal or cultural in nature and hold significance for the individual or group practising them. Daily rituals often become a routine or habit, and people find comfort and meaning in performing them regularly.

For example, a person might have a morning ritual that involves waking up at a specific time, meditating for a few minutes, followed by having a cup of coffee or tea and then exercising. This ritual helps them start their day on a positive note, provides structure, and allows them to set intentions for the day ahead.

Daily rituals can encompass a wide range of practices, including personal self-care routines, religious or spiritual observances, work-related habits, and family traditions. The key aspect of following a ritual daily is repetition and consistency, as it can offer a sense of stability, mindfulness, and purpose to one's daily life.

Why do people fail to set a Ritual?

The number one reason is there is a lack of awareness. People might not realize the benefits of having a ritual or be unaware of how certain habits or actions can positively impact their lives.

Another reason why people fail to follow a ritual is a lack of consistency. People often struggle to maintain regularity in their actions or habits, which makes it challenging to establish and sustain a ritual. Without consistent practice, the ritual loses its impact and becomes less ingrained in their daily routine.

Let me share a few Rituals of Mazavyapar

  1. Saturday Book Reading Club - Yesterday it was Book Reading Club session number 82.
  2. This Tuesday Ajinkya conducted a Mindset call where he explained Book "How to win friends and Influence People." This was session number 56 shown by him.

I personally chant Ramraksha Stotra every single evening at 07.00 PM. I am following this for more than 2 years now.

There has to be a ritual in your life. One of my Business associates always use to tell me if you don't have your agenda of the day you can quickly become a part of somebody else's agenda.

In this email, I just want to help you understand the importance of having a ritual. Feel free to share with me any of your Rituals. I would love to know which Ritual are you following for more than 1 year now and if you are going to continue it for life.

Community Updates

This week we have finished the next chapter of the Book "How to Win Friends and Influence People."

Ajinkya explained this chapter with a lot of enthusiasm and fun. In this chapter, the author explained how to get things done by people that we want. The author named this chapter as "He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way."

If you love to read physical copies of books here is the link to buy one.

There is an interesting story all must read from this chapter. I wrote this story in a blog. If you want to read that story click here. He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way.

Dive into our Inspirational Quote Collection

Common people have an appetite for food, uncommon people have an appetite for service. - JRD Tata.

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Whenever you read this email, let's engage in a two-way conversation. I believe that a conversation is truly enjoyable when both parties actively participate by speaking and listening. So go ahead, hit that reply button, and share your thoughts on how you feel after reading this email. By the way, sending this email to my subscriber list is also a ritual for me.

With Gratitude,

Ajinkya Kawathekar

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