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Thoughts become Things!

AI Unleashed: Discover the Hidden Possibilities and Controversies!

Hello Reader

Firstly, thank you for reading and responding to my email. I truly appreciate it when someone takes the time to go through my message and responds wholeheartedly. Why do I enjoy receiving a reply so much? Because I am not an AI program that writes emails every week for its subscriber list.

This Sunday, I am sharing something about a new threat to mankind which is Artificial Intelligence. Yes, you can consider this as a threat if you stop using your intelligence. Let me put whatever I am saying in some examples.

Example 1

A few weeks ago, a fake AI-generated image of an explosion at the Pentagon in the USA went viral. The Pentagon, located in Arlington County, Virginia, is the headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense.

The moment this image went viral, the US stock market dropped, causing panic and market fluctuations.

Example 2

We all have read a lot about Indian wrestlers who have been protesting for more than a month after they accused the wrestling federation chief, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, of sexual harassment. A few weeks back one image got viral when all the wrestlers were found smiling in a police van with police officers. But later everyone understood it was a fake AI-Generated image.

And this is just the beginning.

  • AI can write.
  • AI can record in desired voice.
  • AI can compose a song.
  • AI can create a video.
  • AI can change somebodies facial expression with great accuracy.

But, AI is helping me tremendously in my business work. I use a lot of AI tools to simplify my work. The same work that I use to take hours of time, now AI is helping me to get it done in a few minutes or sometimes in seconds. I love to use AI generate tools for writing, proofreading, and editing.

Every coin has two sides. It's not about good and bad. If I ask you where do stairs take you? Up or down? The answer will be it depends on your direction. Where are you going?

AI tools can be both a blessing and a curse. Let's consider a scenario: imagine a political leader who goes live and intentionally speaks in a way that provokes anger among the people. He deliberately spreads divisive remarks to incite conflicts based on religion. However, later on, it is revealed that everything he said was generated by AI, and it was all fake.

I sincerely hope that such a scenario never becomes a reality. Unfortunately, there is a possibility that people may misuse AI for evil purposes, such as spreading hate and inciting anger across countries and cities.


Relax. After reading the above section you may feel like what should we do if such things started happening? Keep one thing in mind, At the end of the day AI is created by humans. Artificial means it's not original, it's unnatural. Nature is the only supreme power. Let me share a few solutions to such things if something like this happens in the future.

Learn to understand feelings. AI will never be able to understand feelings. Only a person can make him do a task that will create feelings like hate, Anger, comparison, and jealousy. These feelings are the root cause of starting a war or violence.

If something landed on your phone provoking these kinds of feelings think twice. Stop believing in anything and everything you read and watch over the internet. Give it a thought as well and a good research.

The second one is a classic solution. Stop reacting and start responding. There is a thin line between these two things. Most of the time people react without thinking. Replying back as quickly as possible without giving a second thought is called reacting. But the response is when you take the time to think about it in your own mind and then reply back with an understood knowledge.

I will suggest you to stop reacting as soon as possible. It's okay if someone calls you a person who replies late but make sure you are getting habituated to responding.

And of course, people are creating AI tools to find out which images are generated using AI. There will be solutions in future but just keep this in mind, AI doesn't understand feelings that you and me can. He will never understand the Human connection. Just be aware of these tools.

I am sharing this just for fun. I made Mr Narendra Modi smile using one AI tool. Take a look.

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Any fool can know. The point is to understand and implement. - Unknown.

Note: I took the help of an AI tool to proofread this email as well. Thank you, AI.

Whenever you read this email, let's engage in a two-way conversation. I believe that a conversation is truly enjoyable when both parties actively participate by speaking and listening. So go ahead, hit that reply button, and share your thoughts on how you feel after reading this email.

With Gratitude,

Ajinkya Kawathekar

Thoughts become Things!

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